Children don't complain about their legroom (or lack thereof) when they are rear facing. But, parents often want them to ahve the most legroom they can. So, I used my daughter, who was 3 years 3 months old at the time as a model. I installed many convertibles in my van. The van's seatbacks were all set to the same spot, so any variance in legroom is purely because of the carseat itself.
Safety 1st Complete Air:

Evenflo Triumph Advance:

Evenflo Symphony:

Britax Marathon:

Graco My Ride:

Sunshine Kids Radian:

The First Years True Fit Premiere:

Evenflo Titan:

Evenflo Tribute:
what kind of van? I'm looking for someone to check my daughter's infant seat installation - can you? Or can you point me to someone who can?
It's a 2008, 8 passenger Toyota Sienna.
Where do you live? I can certainly help find someone near you if you're not local to me.
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