I managed to get my hands on an Oobr to try out. First I tried a friend's daughter. She is 6 years old and weighs 45 pounds.
Then I tried Sofi. She's 5 years, 35 pounds.
Sofi is too light to be using a booster, but I am beginning to look at my options for when she is 40 pounds. So, what are my thoughts? I love that it's LATCHable, so kids don't have to remember to buckle it when they get out. I love how sturdy it is. Unfortunately, it's nearly impossible to buckle next to the Frontier 85 in my van, and the girls didn't think it was comfortable. The lapbelt is higher than we usually like to see with booster (though still acceptable). There is very little leg support, except for my short legged 5 year old. It was also very difficult to pull the shoulder belt through the belt guide when trying to buckle. All that combined with a price around $300, puts it at the bottom of my list.
Clek found my review and emailed me. Via email, I addressed some more concerns I had that were specific to my vehicle and my child. I found out that Clek changed their shoulder belt guide in 2011, and my seat is from 2009. Clek has offered to send me a new headrest to see if that helps a problem that I'm having. The representative also said he wants to talk to me more in depth. So, I am happy with great customer service they are offering.
I desperately wanted to love the oobr. Unfortunately, I had to get rid of it after two days. It offered very little leg support and was impossible for my son to buckle.
I was really excited about this booster but when I tried my (then) 4 foot 5 year old in it, I had to cross it off the list. He appeared to be practically lurching out of it. It had absolutely no leg support and he was extremely uncomfortable. Honestly, I think Clek made this with the average 3 year old in mind and figured children would switch to backless mode very early (4?) It's just not designed to comfortably hold a larger kid. A shame, because I love the *idea* of it.
I love our Oobr. My 5y/o & 8y/o both use it and have never complained about it being uncomfortable. I love the magnesium reinforced frame, rigid latch and excellent fit. I have nothing but good things to say about it.
I wanted to love the seat, too. It's so sturdy and the latch is neat, but in reality, the seat was a flop for my family. My 11, 9, and 8 year olds had their legs hanging off the seat and they are short kids! All of them complained that the seat was "hard" and "uncomfortable". My 9 year old said the gap between the torso portion and the headrest was very uncomfortable. My tiny 35 pound 6 year old fit in the seat. The seat looks cool, but was meant for tiny kids, not big kids who should be in boosters for years. My kids love their old style parkways and the recaro vivo.
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